Monday, April 25, 2016

My AWUM2016 Experience

All Women Ultra Marathon - Never in my wildest dreams have I ever imagined running an Ultra Marathon. I mean, the distance itself is unimaginable. Even for me, the longest distance I've run is a Half Marathon. I never thought of going beyond the distance, not even a Full Marathon. I was apprehensive and scared.

But since AWUM (All Women Ultra Marathon), they made running 50km distance achievable, bearable, inspiring.
I've always wanted to be an AWUM Woman! Their dedication, determination, strength and will power inspires me!

And now I can proudly say, I am one of them. I am an AWUM WOMAN!

My AWUM Experience
Getting ready! :)
Pre-Race: Train. Train. Train. This has got to be the longest run in my entire running career. And it goes to say that running unprepared might be the death of me. I only had about 2months to really prepare for AWUM. Because ThinkTank only opened the registration on January10. And the race was set for March12-13. Good thing I was already logging miles for Cebu City Marathon 2016. It helped that I was running religiously for 3months prior.

With my Support System! #ItsComplicatedFriends
Happy to run alongside these AWESOME Women!
KM0: Butterflies in my stomach. Nervous but happy at the same time. Especially knowing that I have my support system with me believing that I can do it!
Feeling Free!!! :)
KM7: Running at an easy pace. Walking in the uphills and being free in the downhills.

KM12: Restroom break. Hehehe

KM15: I was hungry! My stomach kind of hurt when I run. It didn't also help that I had hyper-acidity just days before the race. Tip: Eat dinner about 3hours before the race.

KM21: A little disappointed. I was waaaaay below my best time of Half-Marathon. I really did took my time. Hahaha. I wished I run all the way at least for 21km since I know that I can really do it. I was kind of complacent knowing that I have 10hours to finish and my stomach was also getting in the way.
Thank you Nanay for pacing with me! Bilib kaau ko!
KM30: Crossing the bridge. You will start to feel the fatigue at this time. And dayyyym did I feel every step! From the tips of my toes to my legs and thighs. I wished I drank a pain reliever (Alaxan FR) to ease the sore muscles.

KM42: Full Marathon! But my spirit was still down. I just mostly walked and stopped at every aid station to ask for a liniment and a massage. I am really thankful for all the support from the Running Community. It made running 50km attainable and bearable.

KM46: Beauty Station! Time to retouch. Finish Line is just a 4kms ahead!
Running along SRP!
KM48: I can already see the Finish Line. But I still have 2kms to go?!?
With my Rose! :)
KM49: Rose Station! Felt so feminine and a lady despite looking haggard after almost 8hours of running!
My heart was filled with so much Love when I saw my two boys! :*
Daddy Love and Lucky Love!
KM50: FINISH LINE! I was soo happy when I crossed the Finish Line! Seeing my friends, my LUCKY and my LOVE waiting patiently gave me a boost and my energy was instantly regained.
List of Finishers' printed in Sunday's Newspaper
The most sought after medal!
Confidently beautiful in a pair of Running Shoes.
I am an AWUM Woman!

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